What are those words that mean, the same for you? Ditto & touche? More like douche, cause thats what you are.
Well no trip, i hope the best for ya. You deserve it, don't you?
Algebra 2 for summer school aint that bad, sitting next to a cutie though. I've gone through all my assignments through Chapter 1-4
crazy right?! I did all of that in 3 days. haha JUST KIDDING, we skipped chapters 2 & 3, but im done with 1 fasho. Almost done with the
first 2 sections of Chapter 4. This weekend is nonstop studying for my permit test (surprisingly i'm lagging -.-) & it's job looking time.
Gonna sell my camera & my iphone. Gonna upgrade fasho to a 5dMark2 or possibly a nikon..& imma upgrade to a iPhone3g S.
& my cousins from the PI are coming here tomorrow? Crazy.
& i moved into a new room in the house, my own room now.
Brainstorming with photo projects & thinking about some video projects also. Been writing em down.
This weekend needs to come by fast, i need some rest.
Got some new ideas, new ideas, for you, & me. Just you, and me.