Tuesday, July 29, 2008

To sum it up...

This morning when coming home was the worst. Dropped my camera, & everybody knows how careful & precious that is to me. Talked to Deaj, told me she doesn't want to go to the bay anymore cause i won't be hanging out with her because the plans i have doesn't fit her in, or something like that. I'm really sick of it, i could go ranting off on how i do stuff & you don't amplify them as much as i do to you. Just like this weekend on how i barely talked to you. I tried calling you but you always wanted me to call you when i wasn't busy, i wasn't busy all those times i called you, it was just loud in the background. ugh. whatever i really dont give a fuck anymore. Last night was bad enough.

"Do unto others as you want them to do unto you, no matter what they put you through, treat them as good as you want them to have treated you before."

Joshua told me i was tormenting when i was little & had A LOT of anger management issues. Still have those anger management issues because everybody pisses me off. He told me i used to go after this guy with a knife & torment him. He used to live with us when we were little, i don't even remember such a thing. It was so, WOW, i don't remember ever doing something like that, now i feel so guilty about how i was before and crazy i was back then. bleh.

I'm so seriously heartbroken.

Photography almost down the drain.
Relationship almost down the drain
Who i am right now is going down the drain.

This is my last post, & all my blogs are going to go in a ghost file in my computer and just be blogging in a word document. so this is now a photography blog like Jose's.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Unlike Life, i can start over

Deleting stuff on my blogspot.

Let's talk about killing time but isn't it ironic that time is killing us?Just want you guys to know that if your gonna visit my blogPLEASE FUCKING READ EM AND TAKE EM TO MINDthat is all.

If teenagers stopped caring about the fashionthen that's when the world is at it's end
fuck fashion, Like seriously. I may be a hypocrite for saying this but come on now. I may care about myself but i swear if you lived with me you would change your mind about that. All i have to say what's the point of dressing nice if people judge you anyways? As in saying why call a person a hypebeast when you know your one? Cause everyone is a fucking hypebeast no matter how you put it, you fucking are & don't deny it. What's the point on wasting money on shoes & clothes when your friends will compliment you but those jealous others will just judge you. Seriously tell me whats the fucking point? I double take and think about if it's worth it. I guess i'm just addicted and into the hype. & so are you.

Who's the hypebeast? The hypebeast who called the hypebeast, a hypebeast, or the hypebeast the hypbeast called a hypbeast.What you say reflects your character. Think before you respond. If you don't it's called a reaction. Don't make bad habits a reaction.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Time is passing by isn't it? you are warned. reading more after this sentence is done is full of some deep stuff, if you can't handle the things im about to talk about, please exit and go on with your lives. If you are going to continue and read, please do so. This post maybe be something you should actually pay attention to then America's Best Dance Crew Season 2 instead. Well to move on. I know, I know i haven't posted Gonzalo's Birthday Bash Expedition 2. Long story made short. Downtown, Haight, Japanese Restaurant, H&M, Jeremiah's, Home. There you go.

About today. I'm happy i saw the movies that i actually wanted to watch. Hancock & Wanted. If you took those movies lightly and just focused on the animation, graphics, storyline, or just action your not actually watching the whole movie. Books, movies, etc. things that entertain you have such a deeper meaning in it. To take it so vaguely! Come on now, it's sad how people don't get the whole point why the movie was made. About Hancock...where do i begin? It was so impacting. How people are inconsiderate and so plain damn ass rude. No lie. We live in America, the most successful country on this damn earth and what do we do here? Ruin each others damn lives. People judge like it's part of their 5 senses. People focus so much on the outer appearance of someone they don't get to know the real person. That's where conflict happens. Where the higher power always takes over. The sense of the higher power as believing as if you were God, as if your the alpha, the lead, the king, the president, the focus. People think they are the center of attention. What's wrong with that, is that your not. People forget the most important thing in this world is the reason why we are living. The center of focus where life was truly created, God. God where the center of focus should be focused. The character of his that we should all have. What got me thinking about Hancock is how people are so biased enough that they won't give you a chance until you prove yourself. & how people won't let you prove yourself because of their selfish being. It's rude, disgusting, humiliating that people are just so fucking gay. Where are the people that make a difference? We're so self centered these days that probably if i gave you a bunch of pictures you'll just find one that has you in it or a person that you love dearly in it. Enough of Self-Centeredness, Selfishness, & Rudeness. 

Wanted. What a movie. i gotta say it was pretty cool. Action packed but im not gonna ruin the movie for you. The point of that movie is how people try to manipulate things thinking that you'll be able to avoid it and get away with it. & also how fate is fate. You weren't here to go through something that was planned for you. Yes life already in the future know what you may be doing but it doesnt mean fate actually put you there. Everybody has a choice. Your choice to change your life, your whole view of life. Because of choice, this is where people are at right now in life. You have to make the best & most of your choices in life. I'm sorry to point this out but i have some close friends that are really damn stupid. Their choice to drink knowing what it does to you and your chance of become an addict. The fuck, you learn about it but still do it? Stubborn much or is it stupidity? or yet, you lost your common sense? come on now. Am i the only one that's gonna be clean the rest of my life? shit. Society these days.

Oh yes! at 88 rice bowl after watching the movies i almost got in a fight just because some dude was thinking that me & my friend Jeremiah had a problem with him ha. Came in through the door and came up to me and asked that if i had a problem with him. I replied, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Then he grabbed me by the throat and started to push my outside and he started to get in a stance which made it look like he was waiting for me to punch first. Knowing better i refused and the conflict ended when some friends of that dude told him to stop in tagalog. Fucking stupid ass filipino's. Survival of the Fittest it is now. The Alpha Males. The ones that will survive. But i have to tell you, i don't want to survive, I want to live. Society is so corrupt that little children are exposed to the most stupidest shit i've seen. How corrupt music is, the violence we have these days. How it's affecting everybody's mind. The end of the world is coming and am i the only one who is noticing? I definitely hope not. I'm here not because i want to have a successful life but i'm also here to warn the people i know & love that it's coming. The end is coming. Are you ready?

I may not be a very attractive voice to listen to, but i'm not a voice to be reckoned with.

& i'm waiting for that earthquake that's suppose to hit SF.

BLEH! did i mention that Deaj got mad at me because i accidentally called her instead of Angelachanny and she got mad because i called her Angela?
Please please please please please stop it already. What a day.

Karl Out

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gonzalo's Birthday Bash Expedition Part 1

Late night report. Brought to you by, your's truly. I got to say the expedition i had with Jeremiah & the unexpected tag along, Gonzalo, was pretty darn cool. Today seemed to be a perfect day to chill & take some really nice pictures which i did! I was surprised how bipolar SF is with it's weather. Well 2 things i noticed today is that im arguing with Deaj like hella! It's incredibly ridiculous! I'm so not in the mood to just argue with her when i miss her so and just want her here. Bleh she's been so moody today and i really don't know why. She's realizing she's being a bit of a bitch to me lately but it seems like she's trying and not trying to do something about it. I'll solve this quarrel by tomorrow. 2nd thing i realized is that i hate damn white ass rude people. They think their the frickin shit because they're white and fucking rich. gah those bastards. Some black dude needed money for the bart to go back to Richmond, he asked for a simple 2 dollars. I simply gave him 1 because i know how it is around SF. Stingy, self-centered bastards. I needed a dollar to go home but nobody offered to lend a dollar. It's a damn dollar! damn it, i hate it when people are so stingy that "oh! you owe me dollar alright?" damn can you just let it go for once or all the time you lend a dollar? i lend peope 5 & possibly 10 i don't ask them to pay me back shit. Your being humble to lend money but being selfish enough to tell them they owe you, but when it's a high amount of money there's an exception but being such a selfish bastard ruins yourself trying to be humble which leads you to be selfish in the end. get it? your helping someone for that moment only but give them a problem after with the owing. So the white guy gave him 2 dollars i think? The black dude showed his gratitude by holding his fist up for a "pound". What the white guy does is back up and like, no it's okay. WTF. WTF again. he's fucking trying to show you his damn gratitude at least take it and be thankful that he showed his gratitude by showing that you were being humble. That's up with rich people. Trying not to get their own hands dirty. I know this is out of the story but Deaj told me about this rich white girl on the news saying that "Texting is more convenient then talking on the phone". I swear, what the hell is the world coming to?

Pictures from today
Note* Most of the Architectural Photography I took today is not posted. & you have to click on the things down there.
It's A Flawless Effect