Monday, July 20, 2009


I remember when Carl and I were hyping up the whole weekend of actually filming for the first time. The whole epic plan never ended and still continued on until today, this has been the most fun and adventure i ever had. The Gnarcotix life i guess! So last week was...i recall chillin with Kimberly, Resil, Chin, Pepe, Carl, Eric,Robert,  and Marcus on Friday, pretty damn chill. Saturday was the swapmeet at Dolores Park and after was BFF, fail at the trick comp though, the bmx shii was awesome though. Watched some movies around 9 & went to the after party down at Sports Basement on Bryant & 16th. Sunday, was another filming day around the city with Veronica, Marcus, Fonseca, & Carl. Crazy thing about that day was that when going home we got pulled over because Fonseca's back license plate was unlit, but in the end he got cited for having an expired license, weird thing is that he got pulled over 2 times in the past few months and the other cops didnt say anything. We ended up walking to Carl's apartment and chillin the fuck out having a great time.
Oh & i was playing around with the Daniel's EOS-1N Film Cartridge Canon SLR, OHHHMYYYGAWD, that shit is so awesome, it's like a DSLR but just using a film cartridge, so sick, i was just messing with Daniel's Camera the whole time on Friday.
This summer is the most i have ever had fun and adventure, and the most unhealthiest i have eaten or slept. Crazy, i should work on the sleeping habit again, it's fucking me up at school.

UGH and i got pissed this morning when i was doing that test! I totally forgot how to solve word problems with logs -.- 
when it was 183=ab to the power of 8 over 53=ab to the power of 4, i minused 53 from 183 like how your suppose to do for the exponents but your just suppose to leave them to be 183/53=b to the power of 4 then you multiply 1/4 from both sides then you get what b is T-T, i totally forgot about that, so i missed like 2 1/2 problems, FAWK. whatever though, today is either heading to SF again, or chilling with Sofia Bray today.

I honestly wouldn't want my summer any other way, because now it's just me & you.

Edit: & one more thing! I'm heading back to San Diego in 2 weeks for the premier of No Cassettes! Gonna be fucking sick

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